Our site remediation capabilities include:
Turn-key soil removal & disposal services
Soil Management Plans
Portable and fixed Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE)
Air Sparging/Bioreactors
Portable and fixed Dual-Phase Extraction (DPE)
Groundwater extraction and treatment systems
In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO)
Waste disposal site re-construction management (Brownfields)
Bioremediation programs for petroleum, solvent
and pesticide contaminated soils
Contaminated dredge and sludge management, handling,
remediation and disposal
Soil recycling services
At Cummins Envirotech, Inc. we offer extensive services, each tailored to the needs of our clients and site challenges. With our in house Geoprobe division and consulting professionals, our experienced team enables us to provide more to our clients to ensure innovative and efficient solutions.